The New

October 05, 2018

Welcome to the new Geochemical Society website! The site has been completely updated to help you easily find the latest information on the society's programs and events. It's now fully responsive and can be easily navigated on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you are visiting the new site for the first time, here are a few tips for using it:

  • Find the latest news right here on this page, including important deadlines and announcements.
  • Learn about upcoming meetings and conferences on the Events page. If you are planning a conference, workshop, or symposium, submit information about it for inclusion on the calendar.
  • Renew your membership or update your contact information quickly and securely.
  • Keep up with the latest news in geochemistry with Geochemical News.

If you like the new design or have a suggestion for improvement, please contact us any time.

Category: Society News