Meet the Scientist: Zie Ouattara

February 21, 2019

Name: Zié Ouattara
Title: Assistant Professor
Institution: University of Man, Côte d'Ivoire
Place of Residence: Man, Côte d'Ivoire


What kind of science do you do?
I am a metallogenist and geochemist. My work is to better understand the mineral resources (particularly gold) and define the footprints that can be helpful to the exploration teams as well as the academic researchers. My daily challenge is to realize field work, collect samples, undertake laboratory work and synthetize data from several origins including lithostratigraphy, alteration, fluids inclusion, structural, metamorphism and geochemistry in order to build a model that can summarize a mineral deposition history.

Why did you choose this field?
I have always been fascinated by the Earth Sciences. That is why, I registered in the School of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources at the University Félix HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY in Abidjan, where I met great teachers who helped me improve and later, gave me the opportunity to conduct research on the Birimian gold. The different results and distinctions strengthened my willingness and made my dream come true. I hope things will still go on well!

What's the most interesting place you've ever done field work?
My favorite place is the Toumodi-Fettèkro greenstone belt in central Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. The place is exceptional. A part of the Birimian magmatism is solemnly exposed there (lavas, pillow-lavas, volcanoclastites and a cortex of plutonic rocks). The millions years geological history of West Africa is revealed and visiting these formations is like sitting in a giant classroom that continues to teach and inspire.

What are you working on now?
I am currently busy with the project about the model of gold deposition in the Fettèkro greenstone belt. The data help to verify new hypotheses and the results will modify our understanding of the Birimian gold endowment.

What are your aspirations for your career in science?
I have been hired as an assistant at the University of Man (U-Man), Côte d'Ivoire. Beyond my aspirations, U-Man is the youngest university in Côte d'Ivoire and wants to play a great role in the education and research related to the fields of geology, mining and mineral resources. I will be truly involved in this project for these next five years, and maybe much more.

If you could sit next to anyone on an airplane, who would it be?
It's really a tough question! For sure, I will appreciate to sit near Didier DROGBA. I wish it to be a long distance flight for the time to be sufficient to laugh, dance and evoke his strong fighting spirit and how he strove to become a Legend.

What's your favorite city in the world and why?
Abidjan. The city that never sleeps. Anytime, anywhere, you have the possibility to meet great and multicultural people for fun and to share memorable moments. Camping spots, landscapes, joyful people and good meals are at run. These include attiéké and alloco foods.

What is your favorite downtime activity?
I spend my time playing football with my colleagues, reading books on leadership and dancing with my lovely kids.


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