
Upcoming Events

Open Data in Geochemistry: Making, Delivering and Harnessing FAIR Data with Global Data Providers
October 10, 2024 at 3 pm AEDT


Metasediments from the lower crust: how and why are they there?
October 17, 2024 at 8am PDT; 10am CDT; 11am EDT; 5pm CEST


You Can’t Climb a Broken Ladder: Examining Career Progression of (Multiply-) Disadvantaged Groups to Senior Roles in Geochemistry
November 8, 2024
More details and registration coming soon

Previous Events

Open Data in Geochemistry: Making, Delivering and Harnessing FAIR Data with Global Data Providers
June 12, 2024 at 10:00 EST

View Recording


Writing a Great Manuscript (or How to Get Published)
January 24, 2024

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