GS Adopts Bylaws Amendments

August 14, 2023

In July, the GS board of directors approved a number of amendments to the society's bylaws, which govern the rights and responsibilities of the members and officers of the organization. Last amended in 2017, some sections of bylaws had become outdated. The amendments include provisions that:

  • Update the responsibilities of officers, such as the president, vice president, and secretary to accurately reflect the duties of those positions;
  • Add the option for meetings of the board and the membership to be held virtually (online);
  • Add references to early career directors, who are elected to the board for two-year terms;
  • Remove specific tasks of various society committees (these were moved to a policy manual that can be more easily updated to reflect the current needs and responsibilities of the committees);
  • Update legal language in indemnification provisions and relating to Texas laws governing nonprofit corporations (the GS is incorporated in Texas).

Review the amended bylaws
